Tuesday, 27 July 2021

The burial that puts Oba on the map

Yesterday in Oba Anambra state, an event took place that dominated the public discourse; it was the burial of Obi Iyiegbu aka Obi Cubana mother’s burial. A lot has been said about the heavily publicized burial. Here my concern is purely what I think as Nigerians we should take away from the images and stories we heard about the event. 


First, I’d like to start with the number of cows we heard that was donated or given to the Mr. Obi Cubana. Significant amongst the cow donors, is Pascal Chibuike Okechuwku, popularly known as Cubana chief priest. We heard authoritatively that Pascal gave to Mr. Obi, who we understand is his boss forty six (46) cows, which incidentally represents his age. Many others gave two, others one cow. Now, I’m not going to deal what that implies. My concern here is the significant of the business aspect of the cow donations, which we heard totaled over three hundred cows.   


Those cows were sold by businessmen from northern Nigeria, in fact we heard from one of the viral videos that the 46 cows from Pascal aka chief priest came straight from the North as we saw the trucks arriving Oba. The rest of course would either be from the North too, or bought from northerners doing business in the east.  

What am I driving at? I’d tell you. The igbos have a tradition of burying their dead, especially those whose children are wealthy with efi, meaning igbo native cow. The igbo native cows are more expensive than the northern cows and are usually more honored amongst the igbos in terms of significant.  

If Obi aka Obi Cubana had insisted that those who wants to give him cows should bring only the igbo native cows, I’m very sure they’d all bring the igbo native cow. But he never did request for that, hence we have in place of the igbo native cows the northern bread cows. In case you still don’t understand my point here, I’d explain further. 

What I’m trying to say here is that; Nigerians are more connected and interwoven far more than the events and issues that seem to divide us. From this singular burial that took place yesterday at Oba Anambra state, many Northerners made serious money and most probably were encouraged to believe for better days. This is just from a single source or business. It might interest you to know that what happened in Oba yesterday happens almost every month in the east, though not usually at that level, but at least to a significant size in comparison. What does it tell you? The issue of Fulanis herdsmen killing innocent southerners in the name of open grazing is absorbs and beyond comprehension giving the fact that their highest customers is from the southern part of Nigeria. I heard; I may be wrong. I 

heard that in the North, cow meats are not usually eaten as much as we do here in the south. So, what that means is that the people who keep the northern cow businessmen in business are their southern Nigerian brothers and sisters. That’s what it means. So, if that be the case; question is, why then would any right thinking northerner; Fulani or hausa think of killing a southerner because of cow?  

My submission on this matter is; the seemingly division amongst the south and northern Nigeria is not as a result of our differences, either religious or cultural. Rather the polarization of this differences by most political elites on both sides, who use this divide and rule method as a ploy to perpetually enslave their people, while enriching their pockets. Politicking, rather than ethnic or religious differences is the reason why the North and the south are at variance with regards to how to graze cows in Nigeria. It is also the reason why IPOB exists in the east and Oduduwa in the south. Remove politicking, which is in the interest of those corrupt and maladroit politicians, who unfortunately are in greater number in politics, you’d marvel at the level of interaction across all sphere of human endeavor that exists between the south and Northern Nigeria.   


The second thing that the Oba burial projected is the benefit or merit of the igbo servants business method. Any keen observer of the chief convener, Obi Cubana will notice the flock of successful young men, especially igbos around him, whenever he’s celebrating or having any event. This is not just because he is a socialite or a club owner etc. this is as a result of his business model and leadership style. Obi Cubana, like most igbo business men believes in raising equally capable successful business men who are directly or indirectly linked to his various business interests. Yesterday, we saw in many viral videos how many young successful looking young people were trying to outdo one another in money spraying competition. One story even went as far as saying, when they could not see Obi to spray on, they’ll create a reason to spray money. This is all in a bid to demonstrate their loyalty to the man whom many call Boss. while this may not apply to every person that was at the occasion, it nevertheless represents a large junk of them.. Again, I’m not here to debate on whether or not the money spraying makes sense or not. My only concern herein is the beauty of raising people when you have the resources and means to. Imagine, if every Nigerian rich person will commit to taking under their wings young men and women who are desirous of learning their trade or craft. Train and set them up like the igbos do. Just imagine the multiplication effect of such undertaking and how much it will help to eradicate poverty in our country. For from each successful young man made, you elevate families and create room for people who hitherto had no hope of getting education to get education etc. that model for me is what we saw at work yesterday in Oba, and what was displayed by the hype around and about the burial and not because of how much money the young man has.  

Thirdly, the array of security personnel displayed. This is one area that almost got me confused, but thank God I was able to process it beyond my initial reaction of ‘this is stupid’. We saw how various arms of government security agencies was deployed or involved in securing the guests, people you may refer to as VIPs. Again, my concern here is not to debate whether or not these individuals merit such prerogative, my concern here is the business opportunity such lavishness of our top security personnel amplifies. There’s nothing wrong in ensuring your important people in the society are safeguarded against certain threats or harassment, especially in a tensed and unsafe environment such as we’ve had in recent times in the east. But there’s everything wrong if those doing the job are drawn from the already stretched size or number of security personnel the country have. We all know that Nigeria is under policed, and that our solders are already stretched as a result of their involvement in several fronts dealing with internal security issues. Same can be said of our DSS and others. What I think this opportunity provides is the need to legislate for armed private security industry like it’s done in countries like South Africa and other countries. The need to protect our very important people cannot be over emphasized, but having our lean government funded trained security personnel to do that job, when in fact there’s shortage of such personnel in the discharge of their constitutional mandate is not economically viable and also capable of creating discord amongst the people. 

Government should take a critical look at legislating and encouraging well scrutinized and monitored industry of armed private guards, which will not only create employment and another business, but also engage so many of our young able bodied youths and security veterans, who most times for want of something to do ends up doing crime.    


Thursday, 4 May 2017


Prince Deji and Nnamdi Kalu
Emir Sanusi and Gov Fayose
Popular belief amongst Nigerians is the notion that we are a country seriously divided by religious and tribal differences, but that notion is presently been challenged and is there for every one with good judgments to see. Studies of certain events or news that are emanating from unexpected quarters lend credence to the above statement.
Emir Sanusi’s candid and unbiased comments and memos to the presidency on key issues affecting our unity and his views on the real reason behind the impoverishment of the north, the support of Prince Deji Adeyanju’s march against the government attempt to secretly hold the trial of Biafran agitator Nnamdi Kalu and the publicly support of Nnamdi Kalu by both Governor Ayo Fayose of Ekiti state and former Aviation minister Fani Femi Kayode all speaks volume of the emergence of a new Nigeria.
These men have all shown that the real enemy of a united Nigeria is not the blanket north, south or east, but the selfish greedy  manipulating politicians and elites that are scattered all over the different regions, scheming to either consolidate their hold on power or see that the fiber of fellowship is destroyed.
A study of how Nigerians relate on the average will leave you wondering where the whole issue of mistrust and sentiments come from. One thing is certain, and that is the fact that whatever mistrust or sentiment that exist between the average Nigerians on the street is based on information or perception created by those who seeks to create such tools of division in other to continue to divide and rule or keep the whole nation believing that there is really a problem of religious and tribal sentiments that may never be solved.
The actions of Emir Sanusi, Prince Deji, Gov Fayose and Femi Kayode have all given hope of a new Nigerian, one I would recommend that we build on and sustain even as we prepare for the 2019 election. Yes it may be too early to say it would translate to total victory for a new Nigeria, but it would certainly build a new bridge to help keep Nigeria one until we finally heal from years of manipulations and destruction by our so called elites or leaders.

Monday, 20 February 2017


Ceuta Fence
Last night I watched a documentary on Aljazeera tiled wall of shame. This particular episode focused on the tiny border town of Ceuta, a Spanish autonomous city located on the north coast of Africa with an estimated mixed population of about 89,000 people.  The tiny little city which lies along the boundary of the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean is a good model for the answer to the question, why build a wall? The next paragraph aptly captures Aljazeera’s point of view with regards to the documentary (wall of shame)

“It matters little what they are called - walls, barriers or fences - the intention is the same: to redefine human relations into "us" and "them".
The Walls of Shame series is about division, and about the barriers that men erect, in calculation or desperation, to separate themselves from others, or others from them. When diplomacy and conciliation fail, this is the alternative, and not since medieval times have walls been so in demand around the world.
Tens of new walls, barriers and fences are currently being built, while old ones are being renovated. And there are many types: barriers between countries, walls around cities and fences that zigzag through neighborhoods”

Some may argue against the “us” and “them” theory of why wall/fences are built as expressed by the Arab cable television. Why others will agree that these walls/fences are actually built to create a division by not allowing certain people get in. whichever view or school of thought one may hold in this issue, one thing is certain and cannot be contested at least by any rational mind and that is the issue of security.

Ceuta is known to be a gateway city for migrants from Africa who are heading towards Europe. On the mentioned episode of wall of shame as presented by Aljazeera, some migrants were shown trying to scale or double cross the Gibraltar strait fence which is built along the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. The fence which is one of the most sophisticated boarder fences with security cameras has a petrol security team and hence makes it very difficult for illegal migrants to successful cross into Spain and most times when they do cross they Spanish authority send them back to either morocco or their respective countries of origin.

Some like the documentary tries to portray may say this is wrong given the fact that these illegal migrants are running away from their countries for genuine reasons and therefore should be allowed entry into Europe. But again some may also argue against the former school of thoughts by arguing that such free entrance which will be made possible without a wall will open Spain and indeed Europe to potential security threats given the fact that these migrants, most of whom are coming from North Africa are citizens of countries with high rate of involvement in terrorist activities amongst others.

This school of thoughts may want to draw strength from unfenced or wall-less boarders like the Nigeria-Cameron and the US-Mexico boarders. 

This West African fenceless boarder between Nigeria and Cameron is the location of one of the world’s most popular forest Sambisa forest. This hitherto unknown forest, at least to so many people around the world was made popular after the daredevil Islamic terrorist group “Boko Haram” kidnapped about 200 plus secondary school girls from their school in North eastern town of Nigeria called Chibok in 2013/2014

This heinous crime against innocent minors sent shivers around the world which prompted widespread support for the #BringbackOurGirls campaign and group. The boarder forest of Sambisa was the destination and location where they girls were taken according to security reports from both the joint military Nigeria/Cameron force and the US security departments.  

The girls are yet to be found in spite of the heavy military operations by both countries aided by some international forces, while the Boko Haram terrorist group still carry out multiple suicide bomb activities in Nigeria and sometimes in Cameron, with the US ranking them the deadliest terrorists group in the world above the likes of ISIS and ALQUEDA as they have killed more people than those two mentioned.

Would a fence or wall around the corridors of Sambisa forest have helped prevented or helped the Nigeria/Cameron military checkmate the destructive activities of the Boko Haram groups? Proponents of boarder fences/walls would readily say “yes”

The same proponents of walls will argue the same to the proposed US-Mexico border given the enormous illicit activities like drug peddling and human trafficking that is common within the border line.

The notion that walls/fences are built to create a division between “us” and “them” may be over exaggerated and biased, a tool designed to draw sentiments and support for groups or interests who are anti-government or political ideologies.

The above submission according to some analysts may not be far from the truth especially when considering the fact that closed fences/walls does not mean no- entry, rather means entry needs to be vetted or checked for the safety and security of those who call the city or country home.

While circumstances like war, persecution and economic down turns can encourage migration towards a particular or more geographical direction, countries are constantly working with world bodies to ensure that many people are allowed free legal entry into these countries as refuges and given the opportunity to become full citizens regardless of their religion or social background. 

Whilst this is done, governments still owe it to their citizens to protect and secure their society against perceived threats enshrined in some of these people movement and the preservation of their culture.

Preservation of culture is one aspect of the argument that even the proponents of free people movement would agree with proponents of walls/fences is important even in the face of globalization.

Like a mayor of a border town in Czech said “Europe should still belong to Europeans, Asia to Asians, and Africa to Africans etc.”
This does not mean exclusion of non-citizens by policy or fence, but a systematic integration of those considered qualified and in need of a place to call home or who genuinely seek refuge owing to circumstances beyound their control.

In closing, global and regional bodies like the UN, Arab league, OAU etc should be proactive in dealing with issues that encourages migration like wars and poverty. A stich in time they say saves nine. If Syrian war was stopped just like ECOWAS stopped an imminent war in Gambia, most Syrians would still have a country to call home. If African leaders were made to be more accountable and not loot their country treasuries, most of those who died risking their lives would’ve still been alive. A city or country should have a wall, for a wall not only demarcates but protects those inside the city or country against threats to lives and culture, especially in today’s world where terrorism is growing at an alarming rate.  

Thursday, 29 September 2016

I now believe God exists – Majid MichaelBy Majid Michael

I stumbled on this, and thought you might also want to read.

Ghanaian movie icon, Majid Michael, says he now believes in the existence of God and had been a fool all the while to have thought in the contrary.
Micheal who said he had been an agnostic/atheist revealed he has had an epiphany and now believes that a God, ultimate designer of all things exists and is very much alive.

The actor took to the social media to reveal this, stating that the realization of God’s existence just hit him.

The ‘Forbidden Fruit’ actor wrote: “Lord God I have never spoken to you. But now I want to say…how do you do? You see God, they told me you didn’t exist and like a fool I believed all this. Last night from standing outside, I saw your sky and I figured right then they had told me a lie.

“Had I taken time to see the things you made I’d have known they weren’t calling a spade a spade. I wonder God if you’ll take my hand. Somehow I feel that U’d understand. Funny I had to come to this hellish place before I had time to see your face.

“Well I guess there isn’t much more to say but I’m sure glad God I met you today. Like the zero hour will soon be here but I’m not afraid since I know you are near. The signal… well…God I’ll have to go. I like you lots I want you to know. Looks like this will be a horrible fight who knows, I may come to your house tonight.

“Though I wasn’t friendly to you before I wonder God if U’ll wait at your door. Look I’m crying, I’m shedding tears I’ll have to go now God, goodbye…. Strange…now, since I met you, I’m not afraid to die . #LEADERSHIP.