Friday, 9 September 2016


A 19 year old Angelina Jolie look alike Syrian was killed today defending her country against ISIS. The girl, Asia Ramazan Antar was one of the most famous faces of the fight against ISIS, but now the 19-year-old dubbed the “Kurdish Angelina Jolie” is dead after sacrificing her life to stop a trio of ISIS suicide bombers.
Antar was a soldier with the famed Syrian Kurdish Women’s Protection Units (YPJ), an all-woman force that had been taking the fight to ISIS in the war-torn country. She gained fame for her youthful good looks and her apparent similarity to actress Angelina Jolie, as well as her feminist stance in a region where women are often oppressed.

But Antar’s short life came to an end this week when she stopped a trio of bomb-strapped cars making their way to the Kurdish front lines in Syria. As the Times reported, Antar and her fellow YPJ fighters went on the offensive, taking out two of the cars. The third car was able to get closer to the Kurdish fighters, exploding and killing Asia Ramazan Antar.
“She and her fellows blew up two of them but the last was very close to her when it exploded,” said Commander Shirin Abdullah, a spokeswoman for the YPJ.
Antar had been part of a unit guarding the village of al-Yashli, which remained protected after the ISIS suicide bombing was thwarted.
Asia Ramazan Antar first gained fame in western media for her good looks, but those close to the teenage fighter said there was much more to her life. Antar, who was reportedly forced into marriage as a teenager but divorced after three months, joined the all-women Kurdish military unit in 2014 to free Syrian women from patriarchal domination, the International Business Times reported.
“She always said that her battles against Daesh [ISIS] were battles against the ugliness of their views and to build a better life,” Abdullah said.

Indeed the war against ISIS is ugly, very ugly even as it has claimed  a beautiful life like Asia's. It's heartbroken to see a beautiful girl like Asia fighting a war against evil as against been a a wife or a celebrity like Angelina Jolie. 

Just at 17, Asia Ramazan Antar took up arms to fight against the ideologies of the evil called ISIS in other to build a better life, but she lost that battle.

i join her fans around the world to celebrate her courage and take a stand against Islamic terrorism.  May her beautiful soul find peace.

Kindly share your thoughts and leave your comments for the beautiful Asia Ramazan Antar on this page.

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