It was an unbelievable moment for the music director House on
the Rock Church Lagos, Joel, when the senior pastor Pastor Paul Adefarasin said he was giving him his
range rover autobiography as a gift to replace his car lost in a fatal motor accident
days back.
The shocker came, according to our source without warning
when the influential man of God made the pronouncement in the middle of a
Sunday service to demonstrate how much God has blessed us. The music director
who could not hold his excitement ran across the pulpit to grab the man of Gods’
leg in a show of appreciation and was joined by the congregation to applaud the
kind gesture by Pastor Paul, who had just last year in a similar incident given
out another of his Range Rover to a choir member.
For Joel, while others are saying casting down, he is right
now singing lifting up. But of course to survive in this present economic
situation in Nigeria, one really has to get closer to God and depend on His
grace for both provisions and protection, two things that this blessed music
director of House on the Rock will never stop testifying of.
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